My Ultimate GirlBoss Playlist

My Ultimate GirlBoss Playlist

This is for all the ladies out there doing it yourself!

Now there is a lot of research around music and psychology, but frankly I'm not getting into that. This is my playlist for when I'm feeling low and need a mood boost, or to just get pumped up. Because we all have bad days and we all deserve a little help getting out of it. For me, this playlist full of amazing woman artists, is one of my go-to's for a quick pick-me-up. These songs give me an almost instant boost of energy to keep doing the woman-owned-businness thang.

It is over an hour of high energy songs by some seriously badass amazing women. Full disclosure, though it is a definite mood booster, pick-me-up playlist it is not for the easily offended. There is definitely a beautiful sprinkling of profanity. 

Hooked yet? Check out my high energy, somewhat pop-y with a glittering of up lifting and potentially obscene lyrics over on Spotify.


Find it here!

 My Ultimate Girlboss Playlist

30+ Songs for the Badass Girlboss or Woman Owned Business



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